Aamir Khan starring PK film, Hindu gods and goddesses in the film, claiming to have been teasing the Shiv Sena party in Punjab protested the ban. Aamir Khan has acted, directed by Rajkumar Hirani differently PK The film was released worldwide on Friday. In three days of release of the film has grossed Rs .95 crore. In case of Hindu gods and goddesses in the movie Burlesque has accused the SS. BK injure the religious belief of the Hindus To ban the film, claiming that the Shiv Sena Party held a protest in Ludhiana in Punjab. PK Hindu-Muslim film division, conversion and discussed about the rich preachers. In this case, BK Stating that the film is offensive to the faith of Hindus seeking a stay on the Lucknow-based Hindu Alliance for Justice has filed a case in the welfare system.
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» The 'PK' film should be banned - Shiva sena
The 'PK' film should be banned - Shiva sena
Written By Nila on Thursday, December 25, 2014 | 5:56 AM
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